The stability of a kind of missile guidance system is analyzed, and the effect of perturbation of radome boresight error slope A on the stability is investigated. 分析了某类导弹系统的稳定性,研究了天线罩瞄准线误差斜率A的摄动对寻的制导控制系统的影响。
Boresight error slope ( BSES) is defined as the ratio of angle shift to the tracing angle of the antenna. 瞄准误差随扫描角的变化率称为瞄准误差斜率。
Based on unsymmetrical heat environment, boresight error, boresight error slope and transmission coefficient of a specific shape radome have been calculated with indirect ray method. 在不对称热环境的基础上,采用间接射线法计算天线罩瞄准误差、瞄准误差斜率及功率传输系数。
Beam deflection produces boresight error ( BSE) which is defined as angle shift between viewing direction and true direction. 波束偏移的主要后果是产生瞄准误差,使目标的视在位置与真实位置有一个角度差,这个角度差就是天线罩的瞄准误差。
To ensure the reliability of tracking the target, signal attenuation and boresight error must be predicted accurately. 要保证导弹跟踪目标的准确性,必须预测在给定扫描角下的信号衰减和瞄准误差。
Applying Indirect Ray Method to the Calculation of Boresight Error of Radome 计算天线罩瞄准误差的间接射线法
To predict the boresight error and boresight error slope is an unavoiding chief task in designing radome and in its operation. 瞄准误差与扫描角的变化率称为瞄准误差斜率,在天线罩的设计和应用中,瞄准误差及瞄准误差斜率是不可避免要考虑的问题。
As an example, the scanning property of a large array antenna in the presence of a radome is analyzed and some parameters are calculated, such as the attenuation of the main lobe and the boresight error. 对某大型阵列天线在天线罩内的扫描特性进行了分析,给出了在天线罩影响下天线的主瓣衰减及瞄准误差等特性。